How to create Custom Item in Qt QML

How to create Custom Item in Qt QML

Hello everyone, in this article we are going to talk about creating a custom item in Qt QML. We will use clicking and hovering actions on created custom item in QML.

Let's get started.

In this article we are going to make a custom item in Qt QML and we are going to add some simple behaviours to created item.

Firstly add a new QML file under resources then exemine the below code block. In this example I named as CustomItem

import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
    id: itemContainer
    property alias rectColor: textContainer.color
    property alias textInside: textInRect.text
    signal hovered(rectColor : color)
    signal clicked()
    width: 50
    height: 35

        id: textContainer
        anchors.fill: parent
        color: rectColor
        Text {
            id: textInRect
            text: qsTr(textInside)
            anchors.fill: parent

        anchors.fill: parent
        hoverEnabled: true
        onHoveredChanged: itemContainer.hovered(itemContainer.rectColor)
        onClicked: itemContainer.clicked()
What have we done in above code block
  • First we created an Item block and we defined the required properties in it. In here we defined id, color, inner text, width, height and signals for behaviours.
  • Then we added a rectangle and a Text inside in it. In here we specified what to show in our custom component.
  • Then, we added a MouseArea. In this MouseArea, as you can see we added anchor for whole component. Also we enabled the hoverind.
  • Lastly you can see we added clicking and hovering actions. On hovering and clicking, defined signals will be fired and we can perform some operations with these signals.

Now we need to configure our Main Window in our application. I will show multiple items so I will use a Grid and I will place my custom component in this Grid. Also I will locate a text and hovering on custom items will change the color of this text on mainwindow.

Below code block you will see my main.qml content

import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2

Window {
    id: mainWindow
    visible: true
    width: 320
    height: 240
    color: "gray"
    title: qsTr("Qt QML Example - Thecodeprogram")
    Text {
        id: txtContent
        text: qsTr("Burak Hamdi TUFAN")
        x: 10
        y: 150
        color: "white"
        font.pixelSize: 25
        id: colorSelector
        columns: 3;

        CustomItem {rectColor: "red"; textInside: qsTr("Burak"); onHovered: txtContent.color = rectColor; }
        CustomItem {rectColor: "blue"; textInside: qsTr("Hamdi"); onHovered: txtContent.color = rectColor;   }
        CustomItem {rectColor: "purple"; textInside: qsTr("TUFAN"); onHovered: txtContent.color = rectColor;   }
        CustomItem {rectColor: "lime"; textInside: qsTr("The"); onHovered: txtContent.color = rectColor;  }
        CustomItem {rectColor: "green"; textInside: qsTr("Code"); onHovered: txtContent.color = rectColor;  }
        CustomItem {rectColor: "orange"; textInside: qsTr("Program"); onHovered: txtContent.color = rectColor;  }
When you move on our buttons, you will see the color or the text will be changed according to color of component. Below image you can see the example output. Qt QML Custom Component Example Output

That is all in this article.

Have a nice customizing.

Burak Hamdi TUFAN


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  • Thecodeprogram User

    signal hovered(rectColor : color) satırının hata vermesinin sebebi ve olası çözümleri nelerdir?

    2022/06/25 16:07:49
    • Thecodeprogram User
      Burak Hamdi TUFAN

      Merhabalar, yazıdaki kodlar ile karşılaştırma yapınız. Muhtemelen unutulmuş bir nokta bulunmaktadır. Ben bu yazıyı hazırlarken yazdığım örnek uygulama çalışmaktadır. Diğer bir ihtimal framework ile ilgili bir değişiklik olmuş olabilir. Bunu öğrenmek için QML dökümanlarını inceleyiniz, yazdığınız kodu görmeden birşey demek doğru olmaz

      2022/06/27 22:45:11