How to move a component with mouse on WinForms with C#

How to move a component with mouse on WinForms with C#

Hello everyone, in this article we are going to see how can we move a component like button, label or a textbox with mouse on the WinForms with C#. We will change its location with mouse moving.

Let's get started.

First you create a new windows form project with C# and drag a new Button component in the form. Create new Windows Form Project
Here is the steps :
  • First we will know when the cursor downed on button
  • Second the button will be moved as the mouse moved at mouse downed state.
  • Last when we want to end the moving, we will up the cursor.
Firstly we are going to create a variable that holds the moving State is enabled or not. Also we need to hold the initial Clicked Point to subtract it. Else the cursor will hold the component from its left upper point.

 private bool enableMoving = false;
private Point initialClickedPoint;
Set Button MouseDown and MouseUp Events

And then we need to manage above variables when mouse down and mouse up events.

        private void btnButton_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            enableMoving = true;
            lblState.Text = "Moving Enabled";
            initialClickedPoint = e.Location; 

        private void btnButton_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            enableMoving = false;
            lblState.Text = "Moving Disabled";

When we pressed the button, the moving action will be allowed and also it will update the label as enabled. Also it will load the clicked location to the initialClicked Point variable. We are going to use this during the mouse moving.

Now we are ready to make movement. In here there are to methods:
  • Changing the Left and Top values of the component
  • Assigning new point to the component location property.

//Assigning new point to the component location property.
btnButton.Location = new Point(e.X + btnButton.Left - initialClickedPoint.X, e.Y + btnButton.Top - initialClickedPoint.Y);

//Changing the Left and Top values of the component
btnButton.Left = e.X + btnButton.Left - initialClickedPoint.X;
btnButton.Top = e.Y + btnButton.Top - initialClickedPoint.Y;
Both methods are same. During the movement of the mouse first I will check the movement is enabled and if it is enabled I will update the location of the button.

        private void btnButton_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (enableMoving) // suruklenmedurumu==true ile aynı.
                btnButton.Location = new Point(e.X + btnButton.Left - initialClickedPoint.X, 
                        e.Y + btnButton.Top - initialClickedPoint.Y);

Our program is ready.

You can make you movings on the windows forms now.

Burak Hamdi TUFAN


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