Number Guessing Game in C

Number Guessing Game in C

Hello everyone, in this article we are going to make a simple Number Guessing game in C language. Program will generate a random number and user will try to find the generated number.

Let's get started.

In this article we are going to make some extra things. Normal we can create the number witn rand() method directly but in here we are going to add some specification.

Purpose of this example is to show how can we make some configurations on selected numbers. So in here we are going to create 4-digit number with different digits and could not be started with zero. This is just a simple example and you can cusstomize it according to your requirements.

Now lets start then :)

First we have to add stdio library to control inputs and outputs before:
#include <stdio.h>
Be careful, After this point all methods will be inside of int main( void ) { ... } function.
Firstly we need to set the randomise on time base else program will always generate same numbers

time_t t;
srand((unsigned) time(&t));
Here our digits array and the variable which hold the generated number

int digits[4];
int generated_number = 0;
  • At for loop we will select 4 digits.
  • We use a adding_ok flag to control the digit is okay to use.
  • After generaing digit check if exist in the array and being zero.
  • Lastly if there is no problem add generated digit to array.

    for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
        int adding_ok = 1;
        int digit = rand() % 10;
        for(int j=0; j < i; j++)
                if( (digit == digits[j]) )
                    adding_ok = 0;
                if(adding_ok == 1 && (i == 0 && digit == 0 )) // ilk sayi sifir olamaz diyoruz
                    adding_ok = 0;
        if(adding_ok == 1)
            digits[i] = digit;
Until here our digits are ready and now we need to create the number with these digits. Below formulation will accomodate this requirement:

generated_number = (digits[0] * 1000) + (digits[1] * 100) + (digits[2] * 10) + (digits[3] * 1);
Now game section is starting :) Let's have some fun :)
Here we have essential variables to hold the input data and its integer value Also I have incorrect entry counter variable.

char * str[100];
int entered_number = 0;
int incorrect_counter = 0;
  • Below while loop we are going to ask user to guess a number
  • We are going to control it on equalisation,
  • Than our program is going to help user to find the number
  • Here we set the user can guess 10 times

        printf("Guess Number : ");
        fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin);
        entered_number = atoi(str);
        if(entered_number == generated_number)
            printf("You guessed Correct...\n");
            if(entered_number > generated_number)
                printf("Go Down: \n");
            else if(entered_number < generated_number)
                printf("Go up : \n");

        if( incorrect_counter >=10)
            printf("Failed ...\n");
            printf("Generated Number : %d\n", generated_number);
            printf("Game over ...\n");
Below image you can see the example output: Number Guessing game Example output

That is all in this article.

Burak Hamdi TUFAN


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