QT C++ Key-Value Pair Implementation with Template Class

QT C++ Key-Value Pair Implementation with Template Class

Hello everyone, in this article we are going to talk about how can we create our custom key - value pair arrays in Qt C++ and Template programming and QVector.

Let's begin.

In here we are going to use Template programming. So if you have no idea of Template programming firstly take a look at below article. https://thecodeprogram.com/explanation-of-template-programing-in-c---and-qt

In C# I used Dictionary class for this purpose very much. So I will use the Dictionary word since here.

Firstly we need to create a Header file and name it What you want. I here named this header file as QDictionary. Here we did not created cpp file because we can not access the private variables directly. One of our articles I will talk about PIMPL design patter to access them in C++.

In this header file we will create a template class and its private and public sections. Then I will implement required methods and variables in this class.

In here we are going to be able to store different types of keys and values. So we need to set our template class to get two data types with variables. In here
  • I declared them as TKey and TValue. And I have created two vectors in this class to store these datas. One of these Vectors will keep the keys and the other one will keep the Values at same index.
  • We will implement methods to get datas with specified indexes. Also we will be able to get datas at same keys.
  • Then we will implements the removing method with key data.
  • Also we are going to implement methods to werite all values and keys in our dictionary class.

Below you can see our template class property and method structure.


#include <QVector>
#include <QString>
#include <QDebug>

template <typename TKey, typename TValue> class QDictionary

    TKey  key;
    TValue  value;
    unsigned int size =0;

    QVector<TKey> * arrKeys = new QVector<TKey>(1);
    QVector<TValue> * arrValues = new QVector<TValue>(1);

    QString controlKeyOutput(TKey k){
        std::string t = typeid(TKey).name();
        if(t == "int" ) return QString::number(k);
        //else if(t == "class QString" ) return k;
        else return "";

    //I have no ideo why it is returning 7QString.
    //it was returning class QString at QT 5.8
    QString controlValueOutput(TValue v){
        std::string t = typeid(TValue).name();
        if(QString::fromStdString(t).indexOf("QString") > -1) return v;
        else return "";


    void add(TKey k, TValue v){

        //prepare for next adding

    TValue getWithkey(TKey k){
        int index = arrKeys->indexOf(k);
        return arrValues->at(index);

    void removeFromIndex(int i){

        //prepare for next adding

    void removeFromKey(TKey k){
        int index = arrKeys->indexOf(k);

    void removeFromValue(TValue v){
        int index = arrValues->indexOf(v);

    int getSize(){ return size; }

    QString getPairAtKey(TKey k){

        qDebug() << "TValue türü : " << typeid(TValue).name() << Qt::endl;

        int index = arrKeys->indexOf(k);
        QString rK =  controlKeyOutput( arrKeys->at(index) ) ;
        QString rV =  controlValueOutput( arrValues->at(index) );
        return rK + "=" + rV;

    QString getAllValues(){
        QString output = "";
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<arrValues->size(); i++){
            output += controlValueOutput(arrValues->at(i)) + "\n";
        return output;

Let's talk about some of above methods.

add(TKey k, TValue v) method:

    void add(TKey k, TValue v){

        //prepare for next adding
We will insert datas into our Dictionary with add method. We will use initialized data types. In here we are going to set the array size after insert to prepare the aray for next adding.

we will get data wusing key with getWithkey(TKey k) method.

    TValue getWithkey(TKey k){
        int index = arrKeys->indexOf(k);
        return arrValues->at(index);
In here we find index of key and return the data from values vector at same index.

we will use removeFromIndex(int i) and removeFromKey(TKey k) methods to remove datas from Dictionary.

    void removeFromIndex(int i){

        //prepare for next adding

    void removeFromKey(TKey k){
        int index = arrKeys->indexOf(k);
In here using both method we find the index of data and removed its index. After removing data we resize the QVector to prepare it next adding. We will prevent the overflowing of QVectors.

Also we can get data types of variables with typeid.

    QString controlKeyOutput(TKey k){
        std::string t = typeid(TKey).name();
        if(t == "int" ) return QString::number(k);
        //else if(t == "class QString" ) return k;
        else return "";

    QString controlValueOutput(TValue v){
        std::string t = typeid(TValue).name();
        if(t == "class QString" ) return v;
        else return "";
As you can see above we get the name of data type. It outputs as class QString or whatever it is. You can write in in debug console. You can also get other values of variable which usng typeid.

Until here out methods are ready. Now, It is time to test our QDictionary.

At my UI class

  • First I will initialize a Dictionary template class with int and QString data types.
  • Then I will add some datas in it.
  • Then I will get size of Dictionary.
  • Then I will get all datas of Dictionary.
  • Then I will get some specific datas with via index and key.
  • Last I will remove some datas from my Dictionary.


QString res = "";

    Dictionary<int, QString> *dict = new Dictionary<int, QString>();

    res += "Added some values to dictionary with keys...\n";
    res += "Dictionary Size : " + QString::number( dict->getSize() ) + " \n";

    res += dict->getAllValues();

    res +=  QStringLiteral("Value with key 3 : %1. \n").arg( dict->getWithkey(3) ) ;
    res +=  QStringLiteral("Value with key 5 : %1. \n\n").arg( dict->getWithkey(5) ) ;


    res += "Removed data on Key 1...\n";
    res += "Dictionary Size : " + QString::number( dict->getSize() ) + " \n";
    res +=  QStringLiteral("Value with key 2 : %1. \n").arg( dict->getWithkey(2) ) ;

    res += dict->getAllValues();

    res += "Key-Value pair at key 4 -> " + dict->getPairAtKey(4);

Below image you can see the output image of example QT C++ Dictionary example with template class

That is all in this article.

You can reach the source code of example on Github via below link.

Burak Hamdi TUFAN


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